To be successful, communication must be understood by recipients. Simply passing information from one point to another may not be sufficient if the form, style and content are not appropriate in the circumstances to convey the necessary meaning. Poor communication may be of little value, counterproductive, misleading, confusing, negligent or even dangerous.
The form, content and the relative importance of communication will depend on its purpose at the time. For example, informal discussions between the consultants exploring possibilities permits flexibility as design work develops, but confirmation of specific data such as required floor loadings must be formally agreed and circulated as the basis for further detailed design work in order to avoid wasted effort in the event of subsequent misunderstanding.
The form, content and the relative importance of communication will depend on its purpose at the time. For example, informal discussions between the consultants exploring possibilities permits flexibility as design work develops, but confirmation of specific data such as required floor loadings must be formally agreed and circulated as the basis for further detailed design work in order to avoid wasted effort in the event of subsequent misunderstanding.
Rough sketches of ideas can be useful for informal discussion, but the professional quality of presentation drawings can influence the way in which ideas are judged. A good idea may be lost on a poor drawing. Equally of course, a poor idea can be disguised by a good drawing.
Verbal instructions to the bricklayers on site to change the mix of the mortar may be neglected or implementation could lead to a construction failure. Responsibility for either eventuality cannot be determined on the strength of ‘who said what to whom’ at some indeterminate time in the past. Instructions should always be confirmed in writing and ideally, illustrated on drawings. Instructions demanding attention and action must be supported by documentation confirming agreement of what was actually said, decided or required. Recording and archiving this kind of communication is an important part of the process of creating a new building which may have legal significance later on in the event of disputes.
Communication is also about personal presentation, style and authority. Effective speech, writing and drawing is needed to lead and to listen, to persuade and convince, and to advise and instruct. Communication skills influence the way that decisions are taken and how the work of others is co-ordinated, monitored and approved. Good communication creates confidence which is an essential ingredient in any team activity.
Verbal instructions to the bricklayers on site to change the mix of the mortar may be neglected or implementation could lead to a construction failure. Responsibility for either eventuality cannot be determined on the strength of ‘who said what to whom’ at some indeterminate time in the past. Instructions should always be confirmed in writing and ideally, illustrated on drawings. Instructions demanding attention and action must be supported by documentation confirming agreement of what was actually said, decided or required. Recording and archiving this kind of communication is an important part of the process of creating a new building which may have legal significance later on in the event of disputes.
Communication is also about personal presentation, style and authority. Effective speech, writing and drawing is needed to lead and to listen, to persuade and convince, and to advise and instruct. Communication skills influence the way that decisions are taken and how the work of others is co-ordinated, monitored and approved. Good communication creates confidence which is an essential ingredient in any team activity.
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