Professionalism described in the previous posts relies on forming successful working relationships, a two-way process of communication between people, building up confidence in each others ability to understand what is happening. Building design and later construction are not abstract processes undertaken in individual isolation. They are both reliant on a collective approach to developing and managing information. At various times throughout the lifespan of the project, ideas are discussed informally or presented formally for consideration. Documents are issued to interested parties recording outcome for guidance or future reference. Some are routine, may be of limited significance, but others are important, marking key points along the way as the new building materializes, firstly on paper and then on the ground.
Communication skills are at the heart of all professional behavior, essential for clarity and accuracy of thought and action. For the building designer, good communication can be persuasive too, encouraging support for proposals as they are presented for approval. The extent and quality of personal organization often instills confidence, conferring authority in any given situation. Good writing, attractive drawings and articulate presentations can make a big difference to the way in which ideas are received and response is given. Next posts cover the principles of traditional and electronic letter and report writing, and outlines the way that construction drawings are used to explain what the new building will look like and how it will be constructed. There is guidance on preparing for and giving verbal presentations to an audience, and suggestions on how to organize and manage meetings, reviewing how information is disseminated and retrieved.
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